British experience in introducing new technologies in education can be a valuable source of knowledge and information for Polish educators. Launched ten years ago, the reform of the British education system brings measurable and visible benefits, constantly improving the quality of education and skills of students for life in a digitized world. Poland should follow the same path and in the end reject inefficient and costly education system straight from the nineteenth century. More information about the ICT Mark. / ** / jQuery (document) .ready (function ($) {jac_init ();}); var JACommentConfig = {jac_base_url: ‘/ component / jacomment /’ SITEURL: ‘/ component / jacomment /? tmpl = component & view = comments’, minLengthComment:’ 10 ‘, errorMinLength:’ Your comment is too short. ‘, maxLengthComment’ 5000 ‘, errorMaxLength:’ Your comment is too long. ‘isEnableAutoexpanding:’ 1 ‘, dateASC’ recent comments at the top ‘, dateDESC’ Latest comment in bottom ‘, votedASC:’ Most voted on top ‘, votedDESC’ Most voted in bottom ‘, strLogin:’ Login ‘, isEnableBBCode:’ 1 ‘, isEnableCharacterCounter:’ 0 ‘, isEnableLocationDetection:’ 0 ‘, commentFormPosition:’ 1 ‘, hdCurrentComment: 0, contentoption’ com_content ‘ContentID’ 433 ‘, commenttype’ 1 ‘jacomentUrl’ ‘contenttitle: “the use of technology in the British schools ‘, hidInputComment:’ You m paragraph input comment. ‘, hidInputWordInComment:’ The words are too long you should add more spaces between them ‘, hidEndEditText:’ Please exit spell check before Submitting comment ‘, hidInputName:’ You must input name ‘, hidInputEmail:’ You must input email ‘, hidValidEmail:’ Your email is invalid ‘, hidAgreeToAbide:’ You must agree that abide by the website rules ‘hidInputCaptcha:’ You must input the captcha ‘, textQuoting’ Quoting ‘textQuote’ Quote ‘, textPosting’ posting ‘, textReply:’ Reply comment ‘, textCheckSpelling:’ No writing errors ‘, mesExpandForm:’ (+) Click to Expand ‘mesCollapseForm:’ (-) Click to Collapse ‘, theme:’ default ‘, txtCopiedDecode:’ Copied DCode ‘}; / ** / / ** / / ** // ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / function open_youtube (id) {jacCreatForm ( ‘open_youtube’, id, 400,200,0, 0, ‘Embed a YouTube video’, 0, ‘Embed video’); } / ** / / ** / window.addEvent ( “load” function () {var url = window.location.hash; c_url = url.split ( ‘#’); d = 0; tmp = 0; if (c_url.length> = 1) {for (i = 1; i -1) {tmp = c_url [i]. split ( ‘:’) [1]; if (tmp! = “”) {id = parseInt (tmp, 10);}}}} url = “? tmpl = component & option = com_jacomment & view = comments & contentoption = com_content & ContentID = 433 & wound = 676722656” ; if (d! = 0) {url + = “& currentCommentID =” + id;} var req = new Request ({method: ‘get’, uRL url onComplete: function (text) {$ jacJQuery = jQuery; $ jacJQuery ( ‘# Jac-wrapper’). html ($ jacJQuery ( ‘# Jac-wrapper’). html () + text); moveBackground (id ‘’); jac_auto_expand_textarea (); jacJQuery $ ( ‘# jac-wrapper-.conversation avatar’). tooltip (); jacJQuery $ ( ‘# jac-wrapper and #jacTab: last’). it ( ‘shown’, fu nction (e) {displayVotedComments ( ‘com_content’, ‘433’); }); }}.) Send (); }); / ** / Within the cyclically organized by the Institute for Market Economics Civil Congress appeared just published Fri. “Education to maturity.” We move in it are fundamental issues to education and the possible directions of modification methods and forms of teaching – in order to better prepare the student to maturity. Lack of maturity – including to think for themselves, to cooperate, to look at the context, according to the organizers of the Congress Citizens should be seen as a key challenge for the broadly understood education and upbringing. In the introduction to the publication of Dr. Jan Szomburg, the organizer of the Congress of Citizenship essay writer persuasive and president of the Institute for Market Economics he asks: “Do you prepare the young generation for life in a world that is coming, and to actively its shaping – so that was a world better than the existing, more conducive to life? ” His task “it is clear that to meet the challenges of the future are not enough market forces, even if it will be better regulated and supervised. The most important field grows now widely understood education. Not as a commodity that can standardize and sell as a service, but as the process of growth to maturity – both the individual and the collective. ” We need education to maturity. “Self-consciousness, subjectivity, sustainable system of values, understand their strengths and weaknesses, openness to relations and cooperation with others, interest in the world, his understanding, sense of responsibility, the ability to continuous learning – are the qualities of maturity, which will need young people to good move in terms of continuous volatility, uncertainty and violence information and symbolic, both from the market and political forces. they will serve as a compass to guide young people through the challenges of the future. ” – Szomburg added. The publication Education to maturity (Freedom and Solidarity Series No. 73) can be downloaded from (Note about the author: Marcin Polak is the creator and editor of, is engaged in education and social communication, implementing social projects and commercial nationwide and internationally. He is also a member of the Superbelfrzy RP). / ** / jQuery (document) .ready (function ($) {jac_init ();}); var JACommentConfig = {jac_base_url: ‘/ component / jacomment /’ SITEURL: ‘/ component / jacomment /? tmpl = component & view = comments’, minLengthComment:’ 10 ‘, errorMinLength:’ Your comment is too short. ‘, maxLengthComment’ 5000 ‘, errorMaxLength:’ Your comment is too long. ‘isEnableAutoexpanding:’ 1 ‘, dateASC’ recent comments at the top ‘, dateDESC’ Latest comment in bottom ‘, votedASC:’ Most voted on top ‘, votedDESC’ Most voted in bottom ‘, strLogin:’ Login ‘, isEnableBBCode:’ 1 ‘, isEnableCharacterCounter:’ 0 ‘, isEnableLocationDetection:’ 0 ‘, commentFormPosition:’ 1 ‘, hdCurrentComment: 0, contentoption’ com_content ‘ContentID’ 3921 ‘, commenttype:’ 1 ‘, jacomentUrl’ ‘contenttitle:’ Towards maturity ‘, hidInputComment:’ You must input comment. ‘, hidInputWordInComment:’ The words are t oo long you should add more spaces between them ‘, hidEndEditText:’ Please exit spell check before Submitting comment ‘, hidInputName:’ You must input name ‘, hidInputEmail:’ You must input email ‘, hidValidEmail:’ Your email is invalid ‘ hidAgreeToAbide: ‘You must agree that abide by the website rules’ hidInputCaptcha: ‘You must input the captcha’, textQuoting ‘Quoting’ textQuote ‘Quote’, textPosting ‘Posting’, textReply: ‘Reply comment’, textCheckSpelling: ‘No writing errors’, mesExpandForm ‘(+) is a Click Expand’ mesCollapseForm ‘(-) Click to Collapse’ theme ‘default’, txtCopiedDecode ‘Copied DCode’}; / ** / / ** / / ** // ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / function open_youtube (id) {jacCreatForm ( ‘open_youtube’, id, 400,200,0, 0, ‘Embed a YouTube video’, 0, ‘Embed video’); } / ** / / ** / window.addEvent ( “load” function () {var url = window.location.hash; c_url = url.split ( ‘#’); d = 0; tmp = 0; if (c_url.length> = 1) {for (i = 1; i -1) {tmp = c_url [i]. split ( ‘:’) [1]; if (tmp! = “”) {id = parseInt (tmp, 10);}}}} url = “? tmpl = component & option = com_jacomment & view = comments & contentoption = com_content & ContentID = 3921 & wound = 1800478086” ; if (d! = 0) {url + = “& currentCommentID =” + id;} var req = new Request ({method: ‘get’, uRL url onComplete: function (text) {$ jacJQuery = jQuery; $ jacJQuery ( ‘# Jac-wrapper’). html ($ jacJQuery ( ‘# Jac-wrapper’). html () + text); moveBackground (id ‘’); jac_auto_expand_textarea (); jacJQuery $ ( ‘# jac-wrapper-.conversation avatar’). tooltip (); jacJQuery $ ( ‘# jac-wrapper and #jacTab: last’). it ( ‘shown’ function (e) {displayVotedComments ( ‘com_content’, ‘3921’); }); }}.) Send (); }); / ** / The economic struggles of middle school students participating in the program Enterprising Young came to an end. Behind us exciting election activity profile of virtual companies, market research, create a budget and timetable for school trips, study and analysis of bank offers. For the first edition joined the program in 2009. More than 450 teams of six. The program was implemented by the Center for Civic Education Foundation with the financial support of the Polish National Bank. On a specially designed web platform high school students have struggled with tasks in the field of economy and market economy. The program consisted of two stages. In the first (March – June) students they founded and ran a virtual company. In the second (September – December) learn to save and invest their own funds and creating budgets. Enterprising Young .: they learned how to set up a company that will succeed in the market? how to plan expenses and rationally save? how to effectively manage available resources? how to construct the budget for a school trip? what to look for when writing a marketing strategy product? What follow when choosing a home loan? The Enterprising Young performs content compatible with the new core curriculum in the field of entrepreneurship and market economy provided lessons WOS-in in the gymnasium. “Our biggest success was to reach an agreement in the group and the ability to step down the other person in different situations.” – said one of the participants. “Setting up and running a business is not easy, but it gives you a lot of satisfaction, especially when you manage to overcome certain difficulties. Our success can include knowledge of market realities prevailing in the business world. “For teachers coordinating the work of the teams, the organizers have prepared a package of support in the form of: ⇨ cycle stationary training on basic economics and work with students by the project, ⇨ website with news from the world economy and economics and descriptions of the most interesting projects of student entrepreneurship, ⇨ three free publications available for download from the program’s website: “we assume and carry out your company – how to implement projects student in school”, “alphabet financial schoolboy”, “manage its own budget – that is, how to manage their own finances “. In addition, Enterprising Young took part in the competition for the work of documenting the progress of the teams in the program. The jury, which included experts NBP and CEO, chose the 12 best records graphics, text, multimedia and video, which can be consulted on the CEO. The competition took place during the gala summarizing the program, organized by 30 November 2009 at the headquarters of the Polish National Bank in Warsaw. During the event, nearly 80 high school students from across the Polish-round showcased their projects and progress in the field of entrepreneurship. Enterprising Young praised the annals of economic activities, posters advertising, school trips, household budgets and calculations installment loans, and even a model of the company. Invited to Warsaw teams had an opportunity to exchange experiences, as well as visit the headquarters of the National Bank of Polish and numismatic exhibition presenting the history of Polish bank notes and coins. / ** / jQuery (document) .ready (function ($) {jac_init ();}); var JACommentConfig = {jac_base_url: ‘/ component / jacomment /’ SITEURL: ‘/ component / jacomment /? tmpl = component & view = comments’, minLengthComment:’ 10 ‘, errorMinLength:’ Your comment is too short. ‘, maxLengthComment’ 5000 ‘, errorMaxLength:’ Your comment is too long. ‘isEnableAutoexpanding:’ 1 ‘, dateASC’ recent comments at the top ‘, dateDESC’ Latest comment in bottom ‘, votedASC:’ Most voted on top ‘, votedDESC’ Most voted in bottom ‘, strLogin:’ Login ‘, isEnableBBCode:’ 1 ‘, isEnableCharacterCounter:’ 0 ‘, isEnableLocationDetection:’ 0 ‘, commentFormPosition:’ 1 ‘, hdCurrentComment: 0, contentoption’ com_content ‘ContentID’ 982 ‘, commenttype’ 1 ‘jacomentUrl’ ‘contenttitle’ Young more entrepreneurial ‘, hidInputComment’ you must input comment. ‘, Hidi nputWordInComment: ‘The words are too long you should add more spaces between them’, hidEndEditText: ‘Please exit spell check before Submitting comment’, hidInputName: ‘You must input name’, hidInputEmail: ‘You must input email’, hidValidEmail ‘ your email is invalid ‘, hidAgreeToAbide:’ You must agree that abide by the website rules ‘hidInputCaptcha:’ You must input the captcha ‘, textQuoting’ Quoting ‘textQuote’ Quote ‘, textPosting’ Posting ‘, textReply’ reply comment ‘, textCheckSpelling’ No writing errors’, mesExpandForm ‘(+) is a Click Expand’ mesCollapseForm ‘(-) Click to Collapse’ theme ‘default’, txtCopiedDecode ‘Copied DCode’}; / ** / / ** / / ** // ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / function open_youtube (id) {jacCreatForm ( ‘open_youtube’, id, 400,200,0, 0, ‘Embed a YouTube video’, 0, ‘Embed video’); } / ** / / ** / window.addEvent ( “load” function () {var url = window.location.hash; c_url = url.split ( ‘#’); d = 0; tmp = 0; if (c_url.length> = 1) {for (i = 1; i -1) {tmp = c_url [i]. split ( ‘:’) [1]; if (tmp! = “”) {id = parseInt (tmp, 10);}}}} url = “? tmpl = component & option = com_jacomment & view = comments & contentoption = com_content & ContentID = 982 & wound = 2106639209” ; if (d! = 0) {url + = “& currentCommentID =” + id;} var req = new Request ({method: ‘get’, uRL url onComplete: function (text) {$ jacJQuery = jQuery; $ jacJQuery ( ‘# Jac-wrapper’). html ($ jacJQuery ( ‘# Jac-wrapper’). html () + text); moveBackground (id ‘’); jac_auto_expand_textarea (); jacJQuery $ ( ‘# jac-wrapper-.conversation avatar’). tooltip (); jacJQuery $ ( ‘# jac-wrapper and #jacTab: last’). it ( ‘shown’, f unction (e) {displayVotedComments ( ‘com_content’, ‘982’); }); }}.) Send (); }); / ** / Do you think officials of the Ministry of National Education Olympiad subject in schools are unnecessary? An example of idle Ministry in this case is the lack of a decision on the organization of subject contests for the next school year. Nobody knows whether this will be organized, because the Ministry of Education has still not announced the tender for the organizers of these Olympics. While currently ongoing elimination of subject contests this year were discussed has always been competition next year, they were given diaries, published topics professions etc. And now nothing is known. For example, some contests. Biological, geographical, where students perform research sometimes lasting half a year announcing the dates and topics at the beginning of the next school year distorts the research objectives of the Olympics. MEN after that very limited funds for the organization of these professions at the regional and central levels.
StudyBays.Me – InputWordInComment:’ The words are t oo long you should add more spaces between them ‘, hidEndEditText:’ Please exit spell check before Submitting comment ‘, hidInputName:’ You must input name ‘, hidInputEmail:’ You must input email ‘, hidValidEmail:’ Your email is invalid ‘ hidAgreeToAbide: ‘You must agree that abide by the website rules’ hidInputCaptcha: ‘You must input the captcha’, textQuoting ‘Quoting’ textQuote ‘Quote’, textPosting ‘Posting’, textReply: ‘Reply comment’, textCheckSpelling: ‘No writing errors’, mesExpandForm ‘(+) is a Click Expand’ mesCollapseForm ‘(-) Click to Collapse’ theme ‘default’, txtCopiedDecode ‘Copied DCode’}; / ** / / ** / / ** // ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / function open_youtube (id) {jacCreatForm ( ‘open_youtube’, id, 400,200,0, 0, ‘Embed a YouTube video’, 0, ‘Embed video’); } / ** / / ** / window.addEvent ( “load” function () {var url = window.location.hash; c_url = url.split ( ‘#’); d = 0; tmp = 0; if (c_url.length = 1) {for (i = 1; i -1) {tmp = c_url [i].
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