From Belize City: Drive to Dangriga (western Highway to Belmopan and Humming Bird Hway to Dangriga). From Dangriga take southern Highway towards Punta Gorda. Belize Spicefarm is about 1 mile south of Golden Stream River Bridge. (Distance 221 Km and takes about 3hr and 15 min)
From Belmopan: Drive South on Southern Highway (approximately a 2 hr drive). Belize Spice farm is about 1 mile south of the Golden Stream River Bridge. Look for our sign on the right.
From Placentia: Drive from Placentia to Placentia Junction on Southern Highway. Turn left towards Punta Gorda. Belize Spice Farm is about 1 mile south of the GoldenStream River Bridge. Look for our sign at the gate on the right.
A shorter distance and much more economical way to travel from Placentia. Take water Taxi Hockey Pockey to cross the lagoon and reach Big Creek. Yoy may call (Ph# 523-2376) to get the schedule or charter. From Big Creek take James Bus Line (Ph# 662-4475) towards Punta Gorda.
From Punta Gorda: Drive north (approximatley a 35 minutes drive) towards Golden Stream village. We are on the left side of the Golden Stream Road Sign.
If you are flying from any city in Belize ,take a flight to Punta Gorda. Both Tropic Air (Ph# 226-2012) and Maya Island Air (Ph# 223-1140) fly to Punta Gorda from many cities in Belize.

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